It is my great pleasure to warmly welcome you and thank you for your interest in our company. To cope with the rapid growth of the market share in home SEL has established highly trained Professionals and well equipped factory. Each client is like an extended family member to us. And like family, we understand our client’s needs. Our professionalism, coupled with a strong personal touch enhances the probability of success at every step. Our goal is to create a long-lasting client-candidate relationship, which will translate into long term winning strategies and exponential growth for both parties.
SEL follows BNBC & US design standards and codes of practice while designing its buildings and uses sophisticated software to ensure accurate manufacture and problem free Structure. Each member of our organization is professional and very dedicated to our customer with their best effort. We believe that our success is fully depends on customers satisfaction. SEL is dedicated to work all kinds of large, medium and small, structures with maintaining proper Engineering and Architectural values.
We promise to provide Quality Products, so that relations with our customers may continue forever. We give our clients to our grateful thanks again to support us. We hope to support our customers more in future for an initiative to build a better Bangladesh. To maintain and develop our business further, we are constantly restructuring: strengthening management and providing sound leadership to ensure that all our operations and processes are transparent, efficient and effective. To achieve this, we have been promoting through business ethics and insistence on clear working mechanisms.
Our projection for the future is backed by a great deal of optimism and we are ready as a company to seize every opportunity to further strengthen our good corporate image with high quality products and strong relationship with our customers.
I would like to sincerely thank our valued consumers again, for your continued support in ensuring that we remain the leading PEB Company in Bangladesh.
It is my great pleasure to warmly welcome you and thank you for your interest in our company. To cope with the rapid growth of the market share in home SEL has established highly trained Professionals and well equipped factory. Each client is like an extended family member to us. And like family, we understand our client’s needs. Our professionalism, coupled with a strong personal touch enhances the probability of success at every step. Our goal is to create a long-lasting client-candidate relationship, which will translate into long term winning strategies and exponential growth for both parties.
SEL follows BNBC & US design standards and codes of practice while designing its buildings and uses sophisticated software to ensure accurate manufacture and problem free Structure. Each member of our organization is professional and very dedicated to our customer with their best effort. We believe that our success is fully depends on customers satisfaction. SEL is dedicated to work all kinds of large, medium and small, structures with maintaining proper Engineering and Architectural values.
We promise to provide Quality Products, so that relations with our customers may continue forever. We give our clients to our grateful thanks again to support us. We hope to support our customers more in future for an initiative to build a better Bangladesh. To maintain and develop our business further, we are constantly restructuring: strengthening management and providing sound leadership to ensure that all our operations and processes are transparent, efficient and effective. To achieve this, we have been promoting through business ethics and insistence on clear working mechanisms.
Our projection for the future is backed by a great deal of optimism and we are ready as a company to seize every opportunity to further strengthen our good corporate image with high quality products and strong relationship with our customers.
I would like to sincerely thank our valued consumers again, for your continued support in ensuring that we remain the leading PEB Company in Bangladesh.
A Mazid Tower, KA-24, Level: 07,(In Front of Jamuna Future Park), Pragati Sarani, Dhaka-1229.
Sohadia, Barmi, Sreepur, Gazipur-1743.
Lot 22, Simpang 281-32-10, Lambak Kanan Industrial Area, Jalan Berakas BB1114, Brunei Darussalam